外国人学非遗:扮相登场 美国人韦斯特化身黄梅戏老生

发布时间:2022-08-31 14:42 来源:新华社 阅读次数:
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Foreigner study intangible cultural heritage:Appearance!American West incarnated as the Veteran of Huangmei Opera

Huangmei Opera, Chinese national intangible cultural heritage, is gradually integrated and developed from folk songs, Yangko, tea songs, tea picking lanterns, flower drum tunes, etc. Due to its lively and smooth performances, it become popular with the public.

Huangmei Opera was born and grew in Anqing in Anhui Province. It is not only one of the Five Major Operas ins China, but also famous overseas. So that it is called "Chinese country music".

Living in Anqing City, where almost everyone can sing Huangmei Opera, American West has been deeply fascinated by "Chinese country music" because of its exquisite costumes, wonderful singing and flexible gestures.

In Anqing Normal University where he is a teacher, there is a Huangmei Opera Art College. The daily practice and performance of the teachers and students make West curious and yearn. This summer, West specially went to there to "learn from teachers".

In West's view, the music of Huangmei Opera with the characteristics of folk tunes is warm and concise. "That's the reason why Huangmei Opera is enduring and popular."

Wearing boa gowns and beards, with the help of teachers and students of Huangmei Opera Art College, West dressed up in the full set of Huangmei Opera, and seriously studied the skills of the Veteran.

On the stage of Huangmei Opera for the first time, although West's movements are not so skilled, under the careful guidance of the three generations of Huangmei Opera Art, he has understood the folk tales and spiritual inheritance behind Chinese traditional opera.

Source:The Xinhua News Agency

Original link:http://www.news.cn/world/2022-07/08/c_1128815594.htm